So feel free to apply your opinions, or questions or what you believe and whatnot.
But this is pretty much just a little up-date about what's been going on with me, and a subject I feel rather strongly about.
(Before you continue on, know that there is some graphic nature in this post.)
Around November I became a vegetarian, mainly because I love animals, and for years I've always hated the idea of eating something that was once alive, I could just never actually commit to it before then.
I ended up trying it, and now I've been a vegetarian for several months,
and honestly I'm considering becoming vegan.
About a week ago I saw a video called "Meet your Meat"
VERY terrible, disturbing video, I suggest that you don't watch it if you're anything like me and are sensitive to the subject. I somewhat wish I hadn't seen it.
Kinda goes without saying, but I cried for an hour straight.
It was terrible...
But anyway, since I saw that video and did a bit of research on the matter,
(The video is a documentary about slaughter houses and how they treat their animals)
I've decided I might become vegan.
Honestly, maybe if they didn't torture the animals to such a disgusting extent, I might eat meat, or dairy.
But for now, I'm disgusted. =/
I didn't realize how tainted our world was until I did more research.
I don't know why I'm writing all of this, but it's how I feel.
To kill something that has feelings, has nerves, can feel pain, has a life, a family, etc, is just terrible.
Even the Egyptians used to have laws against hurting something that was alive, even if it was for food.
I dunno.
I just don't understand how someone can hurt something.
Especially so cute;<3
100,000+ cows are already dead when they get to the slaughterhouse a year. Due to the beatings they take, and the painful 'procedures' they have to endure on the way there.
Due to the Supply and Demand being so great,
more and more animals are being taken through the slaughter house,
meaning more and more of them go un-noticed.
Due to this, thousands and thousands more a year have to go through the terrible process, including even skinning and gutting, completely alive, and conscious.
Most of these animals are being force-fed so much in so little time that their bodies don't have time to grow with them, and without the proper muscle too. 'Causing hundreds if not thousands to starve, inches from their food and water because their legs have snapped under their own weight.
The chickens have their beaks seared off with a hot knife, (The most sensitive part of a chickens body) without any sort of painkiller, completely conscious and awake.
The pigs, even babies, have their genitalia, ears, tail, and sometimes teeth cut from their bodies, with no form of painkiller, and completely conscious.
The cows, go through similar, having their teeth, their horns, their tail and their utters cut from them with a knife, completely awake, conscious, painkiller free.
This is only a small 'procedure' these animals have to endure in their short, pain-filled lives.
And I for one have had enough.
This is why I do not partake in the eating of an animal,
and from now on, any product that comes from an animal.
Even the animals kept in the factories to produce milk, or eggs are treated with cruelty.
Not many people read this, I know,
but at least maybe the few of you who did might think more about it.
I don't care, so long as I might've saved at least one animal from being eaten by posting this.
You can find the video here;
Though I don't suggest you watch it if you are sensitive to this matter.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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