Monday, July 4

Who am I?

Okashi? The Candy Dish? Koneko? Who?

(What terrible picture quality, I KNOW!)
My name is Devon. I'm an artist, writer, (beginner) photographer, gamer, animal lover/rights activist, gamer, etc. I draw just about everything, from realism, portraits, anime, doodles, etc. 
Writing; mainly short stories or poetry, but I've been working on a story for the past couple of years. Maybe one day- if I decide I like it enough, I'll see about getting it published. (: 
Photography; Right now I have the crappiest camera ever. But I'm saving up to get a really nice one-- my inspiration isn't so much the photography itself, but more of another add-on to my art. I do love photography, but the photos that I take, I want to turn into paintings, or drawings instead. 
I play just about any game. I'm mostly a PC or PlayStation kinda girl, but I enjoy the occasional Xbox, or Wii, even some of the more old school, like Nintendo 64, or Super Nintendo.(: My most recent obsession- Call of Duty<3
I LOVE ANIMALS. It's that simple. I dunno what more I can say. I'm a vegetarian, and don't support the consumption of meat, and I try and stay away from Dairy Products as much as possible. I have two cats and a dog, a mini Schnauzer; Yoshi, and my two kitties, Lala,(Tequila) and Fiki(Rafiki).

I also have a small obsession with anything Japanese.
kowaii, decoden, Anime,/Manga, the clothes, the styles, the language, and I've been learning for the past couple of months how to write in Japanese. ^.^

One day I will visit Japan<3


My Tequi-Lala! (and myself! ;p)

And my Bugsy.♥
Or, Fiki, rather.

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